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Ticker : KHK
Mining algorithm : POW, CryptoNight
Max supply : 10 million KHK (+ tail emission ~1% yearly)
Block reward : initial reward of ~38 KHK, slight decrease every block,
when decreases to 1 KHK will stay at that level
Block target time : 4 minutes
Difficulty : Retargets at every block
Decimal Points : 12
Low transaction fee : 0.0001 KHK
P2P Port : 30964
Rpc Port : 30965
Pre-mine : 5%
Website : http://www.kashkoin.ml/
Block Explorer : http://explorer.kashkoin.ml/
White Paper : http://kashkoin.ml/downloads/whitepaper.pdf
CLI Wallet : https://github.com/kashkoin-foundation/kashkoin/releases
GUI Wallet : https://github.com/kashkoin-foundation/kashkoinwallet/releases
Source Code : https://github.com/kashkoin-foundation/kashkoin
Mining Pools
http://youpool.io/KHK/ (0.4% fee)
https://walpool.com/khk/ (0.0% fee)
https://getpool.org/khk/ (0.3% fee)
https://easyhash.pro/khk/ (0.5% fee)
Solo Mining
How to solo mine with the CLI release
1. Download CLI release from
2. Extract the release to any folder or directory
3. Run the daemon, kashkoind. Then start simplewallet and open or create a wallet. You can open it later in GUI.
4. In simplewallet, type “start_mining x”, x being the number of CPU cores you wish to mine with.
5. Check your hash rate by typing “show_hr” in kashkoind. Hide it by typing “hide_hr”.
Alternatively you can run the daemon, kashkoind with these flags: –start-mining YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS –mining-threads 3 – much more easy