2025虚拟币不清退交易所大全 最新地址

aleo_prover v0.1.1-hot/v0.1.0-hot
aleo_prover v0.1.1
aleo_prover v0.1.0
aleo_prover v0.0.2
aleo_prover v0.0.1
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
名称和版本 | 性能 |
aleo_prover v0.0.1 | 650瓦 |
操作系统版本:Ubuntu 20.04 +
Nvidia 驱动程序版本:535.54.03 +
The zk.work team <zk.work@6block.com>
Usage: aleo_prover [OPTIONS] --address <ADDRESS>
--address <ADDRESS> Specify this as a mining node, with the given aleo address
--pool <SERVERS> Specify the pool address that the worker is contributing to
--verbosity <VERBOSITY> Specify the verbosity of the node [options: 0, 1, 2, 3] [default: 0]
--custom_name <CUSTOM_NAME> Specify the custom name of this worker instance [default: sixworker]
-g, --gpu_index <GPU_INDEXES> Specify gpu index to solve puzzle, all gpus are used by default, eg. -g 0 -g 1 -g 2 ...
--network <NETWORK> Aleo Network(Testnet, Mainnet, Canary) , current default testnet [default: Testnet]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
用于启动的 Oneline 命令:./aleo_prover --pool aleo.hk.zk.work:10003 --address aleoxxx --custom_name myprover
wget https://github.com/6block/zkwork_aleo_gpu_worker/releases/download/v0.1.1-hot/aleo_prover-v0.1.1_hot.tar.gz
tar -zvxf aleo_prover-v0.1.1_hot.tar.gz && cd aleo_prover
sudo chmod +x run_prover.sh && ./run_prover.sh
tail -f prover.log