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在 Linux 上安装 PINGPONG DePIN Harvester Light Node Version 的分步指南
第 1 步:点击 [使用 Google 登录]。



Step 4: Select and download the Linux version of the Harvester app.
Step 5: Check if you have Docker on your PC. If not, please first install Docker.
Step 6: Run PINGPONG DePIN Harvester Light Node Version, and paste your Device ID to it. Then the Harvester will automatically scans if your device is ready for aggregated mining. When you see full green lights on, click [Start] to begin aggregated DePIN mining!
If you notice a red indicator for any system requirement, please make sure your device meets that requirement. You might need to adjust your settings. Once done, click the [Refresh] button next to the requirement to update its status.
If you meet a constant issue and need technical support, please go to our Discord Support Center for help.

第 7 步:您的设备应该已启动并正在挖矿。您可以随时在 PINGPONG DePIN Mining Harvester Light Node Version 的“设备”选项卡中查看其状态。

2025虚拟币不清退交易所大全 最新地址