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Epic Cash for Windows install basics:
1- unzip the archive
2- launch epic-wallet-create.bat (not epic-wallet.exe)
(choose a password for your wallet and confirm it. Then your seed will be shown => WRITE DOWN YOUR SEED and keep it SECRET, it’s your BACKUP!)
3- launch epic-server.exe (wait for the synchronisation to complete: Header Chain Height and Chain Height will be equal)
4- To consult your balance:
– easy way: launch epic-wallet-info.bat
– power-user way: open a powershell, navigate to the directory containing epic-wallet.exe, type .\epic-wallet.exe info
(hint: try .\epic-wallet.exe help)
5- For mining:
5a- epic-server.exe has to be running AND synchronized.
5b- epic-wallet-listen.bat has to be running ( enter the wallet password you choosed in 2- )
Epic cash can be mined with cpu, gpu, or both at the same time:
5c- for cpu-mining:
launch the file epic-miner.exe ( located in the epic-miner folder )
5d- for gpu-mining:
launch the file epic-miner.exe ( located in the “epic-mineropencl” folder )
5e- for cpu and gpu mining:
do 5c AND 5d
1- to remove epic-cash from your computer all you need to do is removing 2 directories:
– the one where you unzipped epic cash
– the one named .epic (note the “.”), you’ll find it at c:\Users\<YOUR NAME>\.epic
2- your wallet is stored in c:\Users\<YOUR NAME>\.epic\main\wallet (you can make a copy of that directory.)
3- all the advanced mining options are in the epic-miner.toml file: open it in your favorite text editor (gpu mining…)