
Hive OS ASIC 集线器配置的方法和教程



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本文介绍了 ASIC Hub 配置文件的语法和选项。

ASIC 集线器配置的默认路径是:

  • Linux –/etc/asic-hub/config.toml
  • 窗户C:\Program Files\Hiveon\ASIC Hub\config.toml


# ASIC Hub Configuration
# See https://hiveos.farm/ASIC-Hub/ for more information.

# HiveOS API URL (optional)
#APIUrl = "http://api.hiveos.farm"

# HiveOS Dashboard URL (optional)
#HiveWebUrl = "https://the.hiveos.farm"

# Application Update Server URL
#UpdateServer = "https://download.hiveos.farm/hub"

# Max OS threads count (default is CPU cores count)

# Directory for temporary files (download cache, etc)
# Default is OS temp directory
#TempDir = "/tmp"

# ASIC Hub web server configuration.
# HTTP server listen address
Listen = ":8800"

# Static files directory for web UI
StaticDir = "/opt/asic-hub/public"

# HTTP response write timeout (optional)
#WriteTimeout = "40m"

# HTTP request read timeout (optional)
#ReadTimeout = "1m"

# Additional HTTP API transport configuration
# If non-zero, controls the maximum idle (keep-alive) connections to keep per-host.
# If zero, MaxThreads value is used.
#MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 10

# Path for SQLite database with appdata
DB = "/var/lib/asic-hub/data.db"

# Database backups directory
BackupsDir = "/var/lib/asic-hub/backups"

# Enable ARP scanner.
# ARP Scanner scans local network and updates matching between IP and MAC addresses.
# This allows to keep actual IP address of ASIC even if original IP address was changed.
# Set to "false" if you use static IP addresses or see a high load on network router.
EnableScanner = true

# Network scan interval.
# Scanner will send ARP request to whole network in specified interval.
#ScanInterval = "30s"

# Whole log block is optional.
# "log" block removal disables file logging.

# Controls debug logging
#Debug = true

# Log file path
Path = "/var/log/asic-hub/hub.json"

# Max size for log file before roration
MaxFileSize = 12

# Max rotated log files count
MaxBackups = 5

# Number of last bytes from log to be reported
# to Hive with "miner log" command (default: 1 MiB).
# Be careful with this value, Hive UI may freeze if log is too big.
#MaxTailBufferSize = 1048576

# Max age in days for log file before rotation
MaxAge = 7

# Max devices count per thread for monitoring (optional).
# ASIC Hub splits monitored ASICs into chunks and monitors
# each chunk in a separate thread.
# MaxGroupSize controls devices count monitored by thread.
# This value depends on your CPU cores/threads count and
# monitored devices amount.
# We recommend to increase this value on big farms, by splitting
# devices count by CPU core/thread count (Ndev / Nthreads) for best results.
MaxGroupSize = 30

# Device stats collection interval (optional).
# The default value is OK for small farms, but should be increased
# for big amount of connected ASICS (>500).
#StatsCollectInterval = "10s"

# ASIC stats submit interval (optional).
# We don't recommend specifing values higher than 1m, or you will
# notice a lot of "device offline" reports in your farm dashboard.

# IP address probe timeout for scan (optional).
# Increase if you don't see your asics during scan or
# see any "i/o timeout" errors during scan process.
#ProbeTimeout = "5s"

# ASIC API request timeout (optional).
# If ASIC doesn't respond in specified time, ASIC Hub will consider it as offline.
# Increase the value if you see a lot of "i/o timeout" errors although device is online.
ConnectTimeout = "10s"

# Ignore mirrors list from server hello response and always use host from config file.

# Enable bulk stats send. Experimental and not fully supported by API.

# Interval after all items in stats queue will be sent
# to the server even if queue is not filled yet.
# Works only with EnableBulkStats=true.

# Size of a stats queue to be sent to the server.
# Hub collects stats into a queue, and after queue is filled - sends to the server.
# Works only with EnableBulkStats=true.

# ASIC Hub service heartbeat send interval (optional)


要更新配置,请修改配置文件并重新启动 ASIC Hub 以应用更改。

  • Linux –sudo systemctl restart asic-hub
  • Windows – net stop asic-hub && net start asic-hub(以管理员身份)


财产 类型 描述 默认值
APIUrl 细绳 Hive 操作系统 API 地址。可以更改为其他 API 镜像,如http://amster.hiveos.farm http://api.hiveos.farm
UpdateServer 细绳 ASIC Hub 更新服务器 URL。可以换成其他镜像。 https://download.hiveos.farm/hub
MaxThreads 数字 ASIC 集线器使用的 CPU 线程数。 所有 CPU 线程
TempDir 细绳 用于存储 ASIC Hub 临时文件的临时目录的路径


[HTTP]块包含用于服务器 Web 界面的 ASIC 集线器 HTTP 服务器的设置。

财产 类型 描述 默认值
Listen 细绳 HTTP 服务器的监听地址 :8800
StaticDir 细绳 Web ui 资产的路径
WriteTimeout 细绳 响应写入超时 40m
ReadTimeout 细绳 HTTP 请求读取超时 1m


LocalStateBlock 包含 ASIC Hub 数据存储设置。

财产 类型 描述 默认值
BackupsDir 细绳 数据库备份目录。
DB 细绳 ASIC Hub 数据库文件的路径。 data.db


[ARP]块控制 ARP 扫描器。

ARP 扫描器扫描本地网络中的网络设备,并使用 ASIC MAC 地址检测 IP 地址更改。如果网络中的所有 ASIC 都使用静态 IP 地址,我们建议关闭 ARP 扫描程序。

财产 类型 描述 默认值
EnableScanner 布尔值 启用 ARP 扫描器 true适用于 Linux,false适用于 Windows
ScanInterval 细绳 ARP请求间隔 30s



财产 类型 描述 默认值
Debug 布尔值 启用调试日志(用于故障排除) false
Path 细绳 日志文件的路径
MaxFileSize 数字 轮换前最大日志文件大小(以 MiB 为单位)
MaxBackups 数字 最大日志文件备份
MaxAge 数字 轮换前的最大日志文件期限(以天为单位)


[API]额外的 HTTP API 传输配置

财产 类型 描述 默认值
MaxIdleConnsPerHost 细绳 来自主机的最大连接数。如果值为 0,MaxThreads则使用param代替。 100



参数ConnectTimeoutProbeTimeout取决于您的 ASIC 的响应时间。该MaxGroupSizePARAM取决于您的主机硬件。

财产 类型 描述 默认值
MaxGroupSize 数字 用于监控的每个线程的最大设备数 10
StatsCollectInterval 细绳 收集设备统计信息的时间间隔(秒) 10s
StatsSendInterval 细绳 统计发送间隔 15s
ProbeTimeout 细绳 扫描期间 IP 地址探测超时 5s
ConnectTimeout 细绳 ASIC 连接超时 60s
IgnoreMirrorsList 布尔值 忽略来自帐户的更改镜像 false
HubHeartbeatInterval 细绳 ASIC Hub 服务心跳发送间隔 10s

查看 ASIC Hub 知识库

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